♦potrzebna osoba z doświadczeniem do pracy w biurze na pełny etat. Tel.: (201) 410-2161

♦Reliable Welding and Machine Works is seeking a part-time office assistant, responsibilities include help with filing and administrative work, shipment processing and answering the phone, must speak English, hours flexible, possibility of full-time, $17-$18.50/h depending on experience. Call: (201) 865-2850 Tom or email: tliccardo@reliable-machinery.com

♦survey crew technician needed, 2 years of field experience or classroom instruction preferred, must be skilled in the use of GPS devices, data collectors, survey and drafting technologies, ability to work well on a team and basic computer skills required, AutoCAD drafting preferred, valid driver’s license required, competitive salary and benefits. Email resume: kie@praecon.com

♦potrzebny pomocnik do fabryki metalowej. Tel.: (732) 388-1888

♦potrzebny mężczyzna do pracy na giętarce, wymagane doświadczenie. Tel.: (732) 388-1888

♦szukam odpowiedzialnej osoby z okolic Garfield, Wallington, Elmwood Park, NJ, do pracy w duecie przy sprzątaniu domków, praca na 5 dni w tygodniu. Tel.: (551) 795-6479

♦dressmaker/seamstress wanted for full-time position, working in sample room making complete garments, good pay, must have experience. Call: (973) 747-6363

♦Linden Medical Group w Linden, NJ, zatrudni osobę do recepcji na cały lub pół etatu, doświadczenie mile widziane, ale niekonieczne. Tel.: (908) 487-8150

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