♦carpentry worker/helper needed, the work is in Troy, Upstate New York, close to Albany, the only requirements are a willingness to work and a driver's license. Call: .(718) 809-3101

♦potrzebny od zaraz pracownik do stolarni w Troy, Upstate New York, blisko Albany, jedyne wymagania to chęć do pracy i prawo jazdy. Tel.: (718) 809-3101

♦the Senior Center in Greenpoint, Brooklyn is seeking a bilingual Polish/English case manager (proficiency in both spoken and written Polish and English is required), a bachelor's degree is required. Schedule: Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm, send your resume to: agata.skowronska@ccbq.org

♦part-time controller for construction rental company needed, the ideal candidate will be responsible for overseeing financial operations, ensuring accurate financial reporting, and providing strategic financial guidance to support our business goals. This position reports to the president of the company, bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, or a related field required, familiarity with construction accounting principles, including job costing and percentage-of-completion accounting, minimum of 5 years of experience as a controller in the construction industry, strong knowledge of accounting principles and financial regulations, proficiency in QuickBooks and Excel, excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, strong communication and interpersonal skills, Polish or Spanish language a plus, benefits: flexible working hours, opportunity for hybrid work for the right candidate, competitive salary. Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume and cover letter to: info@elmnyc.com with the subject line "controller application".

♦looking for cleaning lady who can travel or leaves on Staten Island. Text: (646) 474-4494

♦Zusto Architectual Metal&Glass Metal company located in College Point, Queens is seeking manufacturers, must have experience fabricating metal and glass, drivers license, own tools and OSHA cards. Call: (917) 417-5998

♦zatrudnimy wykwalifikowanych malarzy, praca na pełen etat, lokalizacja pracy do ustalenia, wynagrodzenie uzależnione od doświadczenia, obowiązki: przygotowywanie powierzchni do malowania (czyszczenie, szlifowanie i gruntowanie), nakładanie farby, lakieru i innych wykończeń za pomocą pędzli, wałków lub natryskiwaczy, utrzymywanie narzędzi i sprzętu w dobrym stanie, współpraca z zespołem. Tel.: (212) 366-9000

♦potrzebna recepcjonistka do biura księgowego na Greenpoincie, wymagana znajomość pracy biurowej oraz dobry język angielski, język polski, rosyjski, ukraiński czy hiszpański mile widziany. Prześlij CV na email: kacper@awtaxny.com lub tel.: (718) 349-1026 po angielsku

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