♦poszukuję osób do pracy w polskim sklepie: masarza do wyrobu wędlin, kucharki i sprzedawczyni. Tel.: (973) 449-8788

♦zatrudnię mechaników, pomocników, elektryków, elektroników, osoby do prac remontowych; praca na długi okres czasu, tymczasowo może być nr tax ID. Tel./SMS: (201) 673-2904

♦helper needed for an apartment complex in Parsippany, NJ, communicative English required. Call: (973) 334-1150 from Monday to Friday 10am-5pm or leave a message

♦busy machine shop located in Elmwood Park is looking for experienced mill and lathe machinists. Call: (201) 791-2228 or email: ktsllc@pm.me

♦looking for a helper for a 95-year-old woman living in Hillside, NJ, a few hours in the early mornings, from around 8am. Call: (973) 214-9636 Pat

♦looking for an assistant to do entry-level tasks in a machine shop located in Elmwood Park, basic mechanical experience and basic English required. Call: (201) 791-2228 or email: ktsllc@pm.me

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