♦firma elektryczna zatrudni elektryka i pomocnika. Tel.: (201) 638-5312
♦looking for a Polish lady of good reputation to work as a certified nurse assistant. Call: (908) 285-8200
♦receptionist needed immediately for orthopedic outpatient facility. We are looking for personable, professional and reliable individual with ability to multi-task, exceptionally organized, computer/internet savvy with good communication skills both verbal and written. Must speak Polish. Wide range of administrative duties including but not limited to processing and obtaining insurance referrals, verifying insurance eligibility, updating patients personal demographics, and various additional administrative tasks. Please email your resume to ekluska@theraphysical.com or call (973) 670-6131
♦zatrudnię fachowców i pomocników do prac budowlanych wewnątrz i na zewnątrz: framing, demontaż, kamień, stucco, kostka, remonty w środku. Tel.: (973) 356-2814
♦praca z zamieszkaniem od wtorku do piątku przy opiece nad mężczyzną, dobre zarobki. Tel.: (201) 925-7031