♦looking to hire a certified medical assistant for a surgery office in Englewood Hospital in Englewood, NJ. Tel.: (973) 445-1165 Wiola
♦potrzebny pomocnik stolarza meblowego do stolarni w Passaic. Tel.: (845) 721-5193
♦Allstate Can Corp. zatrudni kierownika-operatora maszyny do wytłaczania, wysokie zarobki. Tel.: (973) 277-5498
♦potrzebna osoba na zastępstwo na dwa weekendy w miesiącu. Tel.: (973) 216-5000
♦poszukujemy murarzy, pomocników wykwalifikowanych oraz chętnych do nauki, dobre zarobki, zapewniamy dojazd z okolic Wallington, Clifton, Garfield, Passaic, bonusy dla efektywnych i zdolnych.Tel.: (973) 626-3273 lub (973) 768- 2715
♦praca w Bagel Store od zaraz. Tel.: (201) 375-7133
♦electrician tech needed, experienced in installing and troubleshooting motor starters, VFD’s, and pump controls, great company, lots of overtime, training and benefits available. Please email resume to kyoung@uemotor.com or call. Tel.: (201) 968-1000 ask for Joanna
♦mechanic needed, experienced in repairs of electric motors and pumps, welding and machine work helpful, great company, lots of overtime, training and benefits available, please email resume to kyoung@uemotor.com or call. Tel.: (201) 968-1000 ask for Joanna
♦Universal Electric Motor Service is looking for an experienced machinist to perform all forms of machining, needs to be able to work on lathes, presses and milling machines, excellent salary, health care, plenty of overtime, please email kyoung@uemotor.com or jmolta@uemotor.com or call. Tel.: (201) 968-1000