♦MDG Design + Construction is seeking Section 3 eligible construction applicants for a moderate rehabilitation project, Williamsburg House in Brooklyn, for the following trades: NYC DOB licensed welder and technician, hydraulic technician, lead handler/supervisor, asbestos handler, plumber, electrician and carpenter, must speak English and have an active OSHA 30 card, 10 SST; work is to be performed in Brooklyn under Davis Bacon Act (prevailing wage) requirements, seeking Section 3 residents, who are: public housing residents or persons who live in the area where a HUD-assisted project is located and who have a household income that falls below HUD’s income limits. Email resume: JMonaghan@mdgny.com Jennifer
♦Techvalens poszukuje osoby do pracy przy customer service, praca zdalna. Email: mohit.techvalensoftware@tuta.io po angielsku
♦Techvalens is looking for a customer service representative, remote position. Email: mohit.techvalensoftware@tuta.io
♦potrzebna kelnerka do klubu na dolnym Brooklynie, doświadczenie nie wymagane. Tel.: (917) 975-2254
♦potrzebna dziewczyna do pracy jako ekspedientka w popularnej cukierni na Greenpoincie, praca na pełny etat lub pół etatu. SMS: (718) 877-1357
♦dystrybutor kamieni budowlanych poszukuje sprzedawców, roczne wynagrodzenie $60 tys. - $120 tys. w zależności od doświadczenia plus prowizja od sprzedaży. Email: gelgendi@gfostone.com po angielsku
♦wholesale distributor of building stones is looking for salespeople to cover the Tri-State area, base salary of $60K-$120K depending on experience and knowledge of our industry plus sales commission. Email: gelgendi@gfostone.com